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Book Binder

The Book Binder is an Electric Machine which can be used to combine different books together (much like an anvil would).

Book Binder Tiers

The Book Binder currently only has one tier.
The duration of the action depends on how many enchants and what level they are.

Power Usage: 16 J/s

Book Binder Settings

By default, you cannot use this machine to get books above the vanilla limit.
However for server owners it is possible to adjust this and either add a custom limit, or no limit at all.

名稱描述TypeDefault Value
bypass-vanilla-max-levelIf enabled, you will be able to create books higher than vanilla allows.booleanfalse
has-custom-max-levelIf enabled, the new limit will be the integer provided in custom-max-level.booleanfalse
custom-max-levelThe highest enchantment level allowed on books produced in the Book Binder.int15

Tip: Updating machine specific settings can be done in Items.yml